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:: Pastaland :: | France

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insta_ctf campo | public | 26 players | 2017-01-06T17:50:32.529Z

1[RUSS]BUL|LET51281.82030% Russian Federation
1Silence29191.53031% Germany
1>>nobrain>>pl16300.53119% Poland
0PainKiller44241.83134% United States
0THREE_6_Mafia43162.69332% Austria
0Springbok25280.89331% South Africa
0QWERTY|SPAIN22171.29030% Spain
0eric17220.77217% France
0BeerBear17260.65128% Germany
0Vaalkor11111122% United Kingdom
0ZikaHunter470.57117% Canada

0Zoch37351.06229% Switzerland
0Sr.Matanza35301.17329% Mexico
0[PL]DON24280.86023% Poland
0[RUSS]julia23211.1027% Russian Federation
0Ladycat723280.82127% Slovenia
0darky_21220.95146% Belarus
0don'tkillme20370.54021% France
0{camper}dkfl-5114340.41017% Russian Federation
0Serthur10360.28115% Italy
0Snoopy8270.3326% Switzerland
0BertZerK7280.25020% Turkey
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