!mpressive Sauer Tracker

D E M O P H O B I A | Germany

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insta_ctf capture_night | public | 16 players | 2017-01-06T08:50:05.550Z

3[Mr.]Gentleman15121.25028% Romania
2lee-wales-uk15210.71132% United Kingdom
2mad.cat12140.86025% Czech Republic
2darky_732.33033% Belarus
1ChristmasPupper17161.06126% United States
0Shrekster692192.33126% Norway
0kaori11111091% Japan
0*_Thankol_*551045% France

2fromdusttoulla12150.8021% Germany
1Фopмaт890.89044% Russian Federation
0AlessioLombardi19200.95028% France
0Silence15101.5041% Germany
0pb14180.78035% Germany
0gogold5130.38017% Australia
0hitrel5200.25013% Poland
0Yoda01000% Austria
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