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:: Pastaland :: | France

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insta_ctf akroseum | public | 26 players | 2017-01-04T13:57:39.098Z

2|RU|Sukhoi16180.89221% Russian Federation
2WilltyNUXxX15220.68116% France
2maxsuper12210.57113% Russian Federation
1bellehelene73203.65145% Netherlands
1HansKloss58115.27148% Poland
1VoiceOfTruth25241.04138% Russian Federation
1FC1181.38034% Italy
0(&)Ziti28290.97030% Poland
0thor725201.25130% Germany
0apf12340.35122% United States
0ONePunth360.5030% United States
0Junior04000% Sweden

2lee-wales-uk29340.85144% United Kingdom
1WrongGuy48232.09146% France
1fromdusttoulla37301.23026% Germany
1microFragture7220.32010% Germany
0AlessioLombardi26350.74132% France
0JustMe20210.95124% United States
0Horakhti11480.23114% Italy
0uovobw10300.33316% Italy
0(ufr)tzwuenschi10320.31114% Germany
0sector5161110.0907% Russian Federation
0LCe4600000% France
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