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vE' ShroomField | United States

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insta_ctf mbt1 | public | 13 players | 2017-01-02T08:28:56.116Z

4METALLICA25221.14025% Germany
1DeepakRocks140.25020% India
0TassieTiger12180.67032% Australia
0Widam_Bois580.63026% United States
0Xfer130.3307% Ukraine
0vE'ToKeNasty01000% United States
0PissDrunkRtNow01000% United States

3strat16151.07120% Australia
1godofglow321.5037% Germany
0vE'Gibs32132.46038% United States
0JokerKing111122% Viet Nam
0vE'Backy01000% United States
0Friend01000% United States
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