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:: Pastaland :: | France

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insta_ctf snapper_rocks | public | 15 players | 2016-12-29T07:58:09.031Z

5FreeKills27171.59032% Canada
1admiralkuznezov25191.32124% Russian Federation
1RSher0270010% United States
0Gamma13320.41120% United States
0puTTy441033% Russian Federation
0razvan2100.208% Romania

3DeathKnight9140.64127% Hungary
1{R.F}tarakan24260.92018% Russian Federation
1equus@dm21111.91035% New Zealand
1TassieTiger17220.77119% Australia
0CuntMcGee131130100% United States
0Silence651.2026% Germany
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