!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Pastaland :: | France

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insta_ctf campo | public | 21 players | 2016-11-17T15:02:58.866Z

3*_Thankol_*26231.13231% France
2didisan21420.5036% Germany
1[ITA]Maverik12230.52220% Italy
0Xnamed44271.63235% Greece
0SiempreAntifa31251.24129% Germany
0mr_muh27310.87134% Germany
0Kalypso7400.18115% Germany

2thor726310.84336% Germany
1Roro-The-King36301.2029% France
1[RUSS]julia33311.06330% Russian Federation
1murdog27191.42120% United States
0Benjar41341.21126% Switzerland
0WrongGuy32211.52037% France
0Perturbator27201.35030% France
0named27211.29239% France
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