!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Pastaland :: | France

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insta_ctf wdcd | public | 21 players | 2016-11-17T14:42:06.403Z

6Xnamed22102.2027% Greece
5unteamed15131.15121% France
4lee-wales-uk2082.5038% United Kingdom
3FCDovahborn27141.93034% Italy
3SiempreAntifa25112.27135% Germany
1mr_muh14150.93036% Germany
1jackson5100.5013% United States
0evil.lord.vader10120.83018% Poland
0Bitch221028% Latvia

0didisan22230.96044% Germany
0[RUSS]julia19141.36022% Russian Federation
0Somane2716161141% Italy
0thor714111.27122% Germany
0SaRaH14240.58031% Austria
0Destroyer4190.21113% Germany
0[ITA]Maverik4200.2017% Italy
0cioccadiporco1170.0615% Italy
0Benjar00000% Switzerland
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