!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Pastaland :: | France

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insta_ctf wdcd | public | 26 players | 2016-11-04T22:12:02.767Z

4BSterling14290.48012% Spain
3harrypotermagic38291.31028% Argentina
3Gorn28281025% Austria
2cp6|tuta2692.89220% Serbia
2BeerBear11270.41115% Germany
1pepperus27261.04025% Hungary
1MaoCat25251029% United Kingdom
1HighTreasonClin14300.47031% Belgium
1OB12300.4120% Germany
1JukeBoxHero4240.1717% United States
0osp1411410.07061% Germany
0naifnaif69154.6030% Spain
0hupa21290.72224% Netherlands

1derFragwrdige25450.56027% Germany
0Timakrov_Gunn54361.5136% United States
0Tunix53212.52334% Germany
0Shikadi39331.18033% United States
0wacken20230.87016% Germany
0doge17420.4021% United States
0TassieTiger17430.4015% Australia
0Elvis_Presley16400.4026% Italy
0Destrin111230.48120% United Kingdom
0arith11370.3013% Germany
0Teje4141510250.4023% Canada
0EkoResch8210.38025% Austria
0AweJon03000% France
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