!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Pastaland :: | France

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insta_ctf garden | public | 25 players | 2016-10-07T19:43:17.523Z

2Tatwaffe29251.16024% Germany
1FragOrBeFragged34341129% France
1Test23240.96132% Germany
1Narcissists_sux13320.41020% Netherlands
0'eS|Chocolayte41281.46022% United States
0ColourblindBaal32311.03023% Germany
0Hongo23191.21417% Mexico
0sa5m22280.79045% Italy
0Scarface15290.52117% Croatia
0unnamed-14-0.2500% Italy

1[RUSS]TrianG39271.44130% Latvia
0no41261.58434% Romania
0ok26290.9029% Germany
0Mrbit19330.58113% Italy
0JohnVan15210.71117% Russian Federation
0Dad1091.11025% Austria
0Victoria8110.73025% Switzerland
0hEbRuTaL3270.11010% United States
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