!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Pastaland :: | France

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insta_ctf hidden | public | 21 players | 2016-10-05T22:25:04.647Z

6zeama1291.33017% Romania
4bluzz15170.88030% Germany
4Hongo5120.4217% Mexico
3conebone16111.45023% Germany
2Marp8130.62119% Germany
1Test15160.94024% Germany
1rambo33150.2012% Germany
0Steno2.016180.89034% Italy

1Bertolt_Brecht30152031% United Kingdom
1RedWolfe14111.27119% United States
0epimeteo11130.85021% Italy
0...570.71019% Poland
0a_theory21209% United States
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