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:: Pastaland :: | France

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insta_ctf forge | public | 26 players | 2016-10-02T15:32:28.756Z

2SHIELD41241.71126% Hungary
2Roche21280.75017% South Korea
1[tBMC]pepper26261022% United States
0no_one65232.83236% United Kingdom
0Kittemmurt35341.03125% Italy
0Crowd>Markus32321132% Germany
0JustMe28310.9024% United States
0eric26231.13020% Reunion
0Hongo24201.2113% Mexico
0Good_Luck22300.73114% Germany
0Hannibal_Smith5180.2807% Germany
0OskuPelaa01000% Finland

2RedWolfe18310.58214% United States
1Fierropariente!25290.86119% Mexico
1mrgamer3612280.43011% Finland
0WrongGuy43231.87132% France
04-Tune40281.43024% Germany
0Tatwaffe33291.14025% Germany
0vegeta23310.74118% Italy
0[RUSS]julia22290.76018% Russian Federation
0Junior16290.55016% Sweden
0pepperus15270.56113% Hungary
0apa15330.45016% Russian Federation
0JazzMan531.67133% Austria
murdog United States
shotgun Canada
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