!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Pastaland :: | France

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insta_ctf gubo | public | 27 players | 2016-10-02T15:22:04.800Z

2WrongGuy30171.76334% France
2vegeta19230.83022% Italy
2apa861.33024% Russian Federation
1spooky_skelton25201.25230% Germany
1[RUSS]julia17161.06021% Russian Federation
1eric10270.3709% Reunion
0no_one48114.36450% United Kingdom
0Ozma26171.53219% Pakistan
0Kittemmurt25181.39124% Italy
0dog16151.07118% United States
0Good_Luck16170.9407% Germany
0Junior9130.69016% Sweden

1pepperus30231.3029% Hungary
1Fierropariente!21250.84126% Mexico
1Tatwaffe19230.83123% Germany
1mrgamer369320.28120% Finland
0Roche24310.77335% South Korea
0[tBMC]pepper14220.64114% United States
0RedWolfe11280.39215% United States
0JustMe10101026% United States
0SHIELD422040% Hungary
0Hongo270.29312% Mexico
0Natsu130.33233% France
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