!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Pastaland :: | France

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insta_ctf hallo | public | 25 players | 2016-09-22T19:23:30.946Z

1[RUSS]julia22151.47033% Russian Federation
1loewe199321161.31131% Germany
1Hongo18200.9015% Mexico
0Vufudza44104.4040% Poland
0Luna26201.3023% United Kingdom
0Somane2714200.7132% Italy
0Emanuele14230.61115% Italy
0Polyamid13170.76017% Germany
0Perry12190.63016% Luxembourg
0Oloreon11290.38018% Germany
0PCEnte9220.41018% Germany
0Ooops7120.58020% Germany
0Miranda4200.217% Mexico

1Good_Luck12210.57315% Germany
0Bro153173.12030% Latvia
0Test35181.94043% Germany
0Tixif28142031% Italy
0Perturbator28161.75024% France
0FreeDom14220.64221% Romania
0Lianczu12130.92030% Poland
0SelfTitled9280.32039% Latvia
0Poxyn7100.7018% Poland
0vhcfjcgkvhfg!2160.1304% Germany
0Beast130.33011% United States
n1gga_paparika Finland
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