!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Pastaland :: | France

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insta_ctf damnation | public | 26 players | 2016-08-08T15:22:33.230Z

4fatmonkeygenius70242.92051% Germany
3DON[PL]23201.15124% Poland
1Scary33281.18027% Russian Federation
1pepperus8170.47216% Hungary
0arnzness35271.3137% Germany
0didisan26270.96053% Germany
0Perussola26380.68027% Italy
0Machtnix_ULLA23231122% Germany
0wookyman17280.61017% Germany
0{camper}dkfl-5111230.48022% Russian Federation
0Cazzimia6290.2129% Italy

0sauer_noob39221.77233% Poland
0Weissbrot37281.32134% Germany
0Perturbator33261.27229% France
0R-DEFENDER26290.9026% Netherlands
0Markrose24330.73224% North Macedonia, Republic of
0dbcooper22280.79124% Australia
0plouf18250.72017% France
0Nix17190.89121% Germany
0Fookles17230.74123% United States
0GOnZO15340.44216% Germany
0!s]Gangler824057% Germany
0Mr.Z01000% Ukraine
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