!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Pastaland :: | France

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insta_ctf garden | public | 26 players | 2016-08-08T15:12:20.838Z

1sauer_noob55272.04032% Poland
1Weissbrot41331.24133% Germany
0=DK=Ren4rd43261.65242% France
0pepperus41211.95035% Hungary
0Perussola20420.48020% Italy
0dbcooper19340.56023% Australia
0R-DEFENDER1171.57045% Netherlands
0Ninjaaaaa9280.32015% France
0Cazzimia7290.24211% Italy
0Markrose221018% North Macedonia, Republic of
0yusuf280.25011% France

1[RUSS]IDF33340.97138% Israel
0fatmonkeygenius93243.88053% Germany
0arnzness31330.94132% Germany
0Perturbator27201.35023% France
0Machtnix_ULLA24241019% Germany
0didisan23380.61038% Germany
0Nix21230.91027% Germany
0plouf14300.47214% France
0wookyman10210.48014% Germany
0EMY881025% France
0GOnZO431.33022% Germany
0DON[PL]350.6025% Poland
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