!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Pastaland :: | France

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insta_ctf bad_moon | public | 26 players | 2016-07-24T17:31:11.977Z

3Untamed33201.65127% South Africa
3Dormouse027000% South Africa
2mX|shuzo45281.61127% Belgium
1BoogeyGirl33301.1029% Spain
1unnamed17200.85026% Germany
0.|.43221.95227% Peru
0RedFox24231.04330% Spain
0julia19300.63218% Russian Federation
0mad.cat14290.48313% Czech Republic
0Maserati340.75018% Germany

4Perussola10340.29212% Italy
1,,,,,,,,,,16310.5208% France
0Nix46241.92032% Germany
0[RUSS]Sterlik35251.4121% Russian Federation
0didisan32251.28043% Germany
0orange30320.9413% Romania
0eric11120.92117% France
0KutiFap1061.67033% Poland
0Mrbit111016% Italy
0righton1130.0815% United States
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