!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Pastaland :: | France

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insta_ctf berlin_wall | public | 25 players | 2016-07-24T10:00:28.396Z

2Fiver22141.57028% Netherlands
1sauer_noob48124129% Poland
1FCDovahkiin24201.2026% Italy
1Tatwaffe23161.44028% Germany
1you1836041% United States
0Jackal50242.08043% Hungary
04-Tune27261.04025% Germany
0Help!13210.62025% Germany
0Sjoely12190.63027% Netherlands
0Arsonal8240.33025% United States
0unnamed6110.55115% Germany
0Derylz350.6017% Australia

0Shag35113.18030% Thailand
0MuhKuh25251038% Germany
0va|Fredd22191.16233% Australia
0{NoobInRage}21240.88025% Switzerland
0BoogeyGirl20210.95021% Spain
0julia12310.39013% Russian Federation
0didisan570.71131% Germany
0Spax1045210.2415% Italy
0=(0..0)=431.33050% Russian Federation
0Sputnik4310.13012% Russian Federation
0IQuickscopedJFK270.29022% Australia
0AriKani2110.1807% Germany
laiyga France
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