!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Pastaland :: | France

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insta_ctf suburb | public | 21 players | 2016-07-24T09:50:14.980Z

3didisan28231.22037% Germany
24-Tune20191.05014% Germany
1MuhKuh9120.75029% Germany
0Shag37191.95030% Thailand
0{NoobInRage}29171.71025% Switzerland
0Tatwaffe23221.05024% Germany
0Perussola20310.65023% Italy
0Sjoely340.75060% Netherlands
0fiona00000% Sri Lanka

3BoogeyGirl23211.1123% Spain
1julia23240.96124% Russian Federation
0Jackal1061.67050% Hungary
0Help!9190.47016% Germany
0nael680.75021% France
0Cuby580.63033% Germany
0FCDovahkiin111025% Italy
0Spax1041200.0525% Italy
0Derylz00000% Australia
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