!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Pastaland :: | France

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insta_ctf fc5 | public | 27 players | 2016-06-12T14:31:54.966Z

2ueber12121035% Austria
1dbcooper27261.04132% Australia
1jokasty22221120% Germany
1#!RE15260.58022% Russian Federation
0kanar62163.88141% Poland
0:-x23370.62219% France
0Xan.D22240.92037% Hungary
0Tricking14210.67025% Germany
0>>nobrain>>pl12160.75021% Poland

2olive41271.52235% Germany
1yam45202.25048% Germany
1va|>4-Tune<15260.58017% Germany
1Mu14280.5028% Germany
1unnamed5300.17311% Germany
0{camper}dkfl-5121161.31035% Russian Federation
0julia21270.78026% Russian Federation
0unnamed1234567816200.8122% Japan
0naifnaif7100.7017% Spain
0ILAN5130.38012% Germany
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