!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Pastaland :: | France

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insta_ctf face-capture | public | 19 players | 2016-06-11T12:06:01.420Z

5DesuDesu25300.83232% Spain
2ueber36182141% Austria
2pastaisantifem22221026% Austria
1unteamed65282.32037% France
1Loren48182.67325% Romania
1unnamed1234567821171.24023% Japan
1monkeystar270.2906% Italy
0OnC319300.63219% Switzerland

0Xnamed40381.05032% Greece
0#!RE20420.48130% Russian Federation
0|TEK|Backy17220.77039% United States
0wert13210.62116% Germany
0<pWn>Tron12170.71026% Indonesia
0Xtream3290.1111% Italy
0ya120.5122% Serbia
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