!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Pastaland :: | France

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insta_ctf flagstone | public | 23 players | 2016-06-04T13:41:11.764Z

1OneNoob43231.87030% Russian Federation
1szeperobi8120.67020% Slovakia
0SliTaz74174.35042% Germany
0orange32211.52048% Romania
0SHIELD29221.32026% Hungary
0ErrorleVel21201.05021% Germany
0Trump13260.5028% Germany
0Defrance890.89038% Germany
0NoBody590.56011% Germany
0JOANVOLTES00000% Spain

1ElMuerto21290.72128% Germany
0Loren38172.24227% Romania
0didisan29291045% Germany
0Bertram-Rdiger21320.66023% Germany
0HighPingGuy14270.52018% Hong Kong
0Fritz_Fokker11230.48013% Hungary
0Crowd>a-monster981.13039% Germany
0Faust8230.35015% Norway
0CODE3120.25016% China
0stefanos123ky3150.217% Greece
0unnamed00000% Russian Federation
arnzness Germany
Sweeper Germany
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