!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Pastaland :: | France

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insta_ctf damnation | public | 19 players | 2016-06-04T12:48:42.985Z

5FCDovahkiin41162.56046% Italy
2ErrorleVel23270.85230% Germany
1Synchestra46232142% Germany
1Sergik@mac17270.63022% Italy
1HighPingGuy15300.5018% Hong Kong
0NimbleNavigator19260.73121% Australia
0Kryptel9330.27120% Italy
0unnamed380.38018% United States

1ICC|Gufo37241.54037% Italy
1stefanos123ky9310.29212% Greece
0Sweeper64232.78053% Germany
0orange49291.69046% Romania
0Steno2.012101.2040% Italy
0Merida5160.31113% Germany
0szeperobi4130.31014% Slovakia
0PuffDaddy380.38120% Germany
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