!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Pastaland :: | France

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insta_ctf suburb | public | 24 players | 2016-03-25T14:06:06.920Z

1asd25122.08135% Germany
1OPW23161.44037% France
1Cranius.11101.1015% Romania
0caspar10150.67116% Germany
0{IANFA}Defrance9100.9028% Germany
0handballer590.56018% Germany
0Caira5220.23111% France
0Don'tShootME230.67123% United States
0!@#$%>>xD2180.1103% Sudan
0Teje120.5033% United States
0Dr.Benz160.1704% Germany

1yam25211.19238% Germany
1brucelee23240.96023% Germany
1<J4F>Sahadar21161.31131% Poland
1[RUSS]ZveR15200.75120% Russian Federation
1*_Thankol_*13210.62116% France
0coy1171.57018% Faroe Islands
0Twilight541.25038% Germany
0Brazil_HUEHUE570.71012% Brazil
0|RU|Sukhoi460.67026% Russian Federation
0xdfgfxsdgfdzgf012015% Taiwan
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