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Calinou [Europe/Reims] | France

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insta_ctf campo | public | 23 players | 2016-02-11T03:03:08.000Z

1Arkia27280.96131% United States
1-FIST-DW15300.5217% Germany
1кable790.78030% Germany
0cubelibre45321.41341% Italy
0brucelee28251.12122% Germany
0Steno2.023350.66132% Italy
0#!RE20390.51121% Russian Federation
0[RUS]ABOCb1581.88046% Russian Federation
0FredTheRed8250.32012% United Kingdom
0Wolfgro790.78024% France
0Jazzy4140.29011% Canada

1Neko.33321.03131% Germany
1OneNoob29251.16122% Russian Federation
0|RB|Partizan72292.48139% Serbia
0why64173.76245% Poland
0Sativa36261.38129% United States
0Tixif28340.82028% Italy
0mik6150.4111% Russian Federation
0yam321.5037% Germany
0Nadakhan00000% United States
0big01000% Chile
0cdlv2.002000% Austria
altcineva Romania
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