!mpressive Sauer Tracker

Calinou [Europe/Reims] | France

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insta_ctf berlin_wall | public | 26 players | 2016-02-11T01:54:33.000Z

1altcineva2793040% Romania
1Comanche12121030% Iran, Islamic Republic of
0cubelibre34241.42234% Italy
0quizzz28191.47025% Poland
0MoonEater24151.6012% Germany
0Tixif23151.53029% Italy
0rzas22221032% Poland
0Willty|Fr|16121.33034% France
0toblerone11111021% United Kingdom
0Resimler6200.3013% Germany
0Name590.56012% Austria
0Tabib450.8250% Malta
0Fish'n'Chips3170.18019% Germany
0hannes01000% Germany

1(-.-),|,9140.64121% Germany
0Palkinkot39221.77044% Belarus
0TrianG32211.52029% Latvia
0ag026241.08035% Austria
0randoM13250.52020% Germany
0OneNoob11170.65115% Russian Federation
0Arkia11240.46123% United States
0CaptainMeliodas6100.6018% United States
0{NoobInRage}6120.5021% Switzerland
0[RUS]ABOCb414028% Russian Federation
0_fly03000% Germany
0Sir-Die-a-Lot08000% United Kingdom
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