!mpressive Sauer Tracker

Calinou [Europe/Reims] | France

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insta_ctf l_ctf | public | 27 players | 2016-02-11T01:34:13.000Z

4spiff16270.59121% United States
2rzas16200.8017% Poland
1Bier17220.77326% Germany
1a_theory8140.57018% United States
1gnic7210.33211% Italy
0cubelibre50182.78043% Italy
0TrianG36231.57228% Latvia
0quizzz27211.29019% Poland
0OneNoob25221.14215% Russian Federation
0CaptainMeliodas24320.75030% United States
0Tixif16210.76123% Italy
0ShadowK13270.48114% United Kingdom
0Willty|Fr|670.86224% France
0Christian89202040% United States

2Relic27280.96019% United States
2Fish'n'Chips1230.0404% Germany
1Robinhood____37301.23233% Germany
1betaTier21270.78122% Germany
0Ren4rd63262.42140% France
0why43162.69040% Poland
0(-.-),|,28231.22228% Germany
0pb15320.47128% Germany
0BigeBoss8190.42017% Portugal
0Tabib120.5033% Malta
0BigStiffy130.33012% United States
0bigdaddy00000% United States
0toblerone01000% United Kingdom
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