!mpressive Sauer Tracker

Calinou [Europe/Reims] | France

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insta_ctf turbulence | public | 30 players | 2016-02-11T01:24:38.000Z

2Chief_Nick20270.74027% United States
1spiff33241.38030% United States
1OneNoob25151.67221% Russian Federation
1quizzz25221.14222% Poland
0betaTier35191.84035% Germany
0(-.-),|,25181.39233% Germany
0CMB19290.66019% France
0cubelibre1782.13036% Italy
0CaptainMeliodas13180.72019% United States
0Retr4kt10140.71114% Germany
0merguez_poilu9190.47026% France
0Underamour5190.26018% United States
0SHADOWASSASSIN00000% United States
0Tabib01000% Malta

1Ren4rd42221.91133% France
1rzas26290.9226% Poland
0Bier29261.12037% Germany
0TrianG26290.9121% Latvia
0Robinhood____21280.75125% Germany
0Relic12220.55015% United States
0BottomFragger11300.37118% United States
0Jazzy10180.56117% Canada
0Zach9220.41215% Canada
0gnic690.67015% Italy
0soplarmatt120.5016% United States
0Locken_Johnny150.2218% Germany
0(ESP)Mephisto00000% Serbia
0toblerone01000% United Kingdom
Fish'n'Chips Germany
Tixif Italy
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