!mpressive Sauer Tracker

D E M O P H O B I A | Germany

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insta_ctf abbey | public | 23 players | 2016-01-20T23:38:43.000Z

2BSD|HeinrichB32301.07234% Netherlands
1andwae48261.85138% Bosnia and Herzegovina
1refostem31311149% Germany
1InfiniteStar15340.44025% France
0Mac_Heupan21290.72126% France
0Toto13170.76125% Switzerland
0ray79180.5325% Venezuela
0Neko.7100.7144% Germany
0Haxer531.67016% Sweden
0Coiffeur422025% Austria

2CMB20220.91032% France
2Femium19181.06135% Greece
1Xyouz3138251.52131% France
1___Unix___21260.81029% Armenia
0!s]Bourbon44271.63050% Germany
0GeneralPizza32211.52233% France
0|DM|GOD26290.9130% Poland
0PhiloTheGayLord7290.24019% Finland
0BLOOPER_1738422050% United States
0JoeRizzla01000% Slovenia
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