!mpressive Sauer Tracker

D E M O P H O B I A | Germany

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insta_ctf twinforts | public | 26 players | 2016-01-20T22:21:03.000Z

2[RUS]BUL|LET31281.11125% Serbia
2BlurP25260.96026% Netherlands
1sauer_noob43241.79034% Poland
1REDAlert-JP100%15190.79120% Poland
0klosshans22171.29019% Faroe Islands
0chetl14200.7021% Russian Federation
0akfljsdf723.5023% Germany
0theshnoz35651.2027% United States
0beast3120.2506% Netherlands
0ant120.5014% United States
0Saffer00000% South Africa

1BSD|HeinrichB43231.87133% Netherlands
1soulcake11101.1019% United Kingdom
1Drahtpantoffel11250.44136% Germany
1JustMe11300.37116% United States
1THE_clown9160.56317% Israel
0RedFox36241.5031% Spain
0~Le_Chat~25241.04028% France
0_fly18260.69121% Germany
0Satan.pl431.33030% Poland
0HAZE350.6013% Germany
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