!mpressive Sauer Tracker

::: RUGBY iCTF ::: | Germany

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insta_ctf river_keep | public | 20 players | 2021-04-25T13:27:14.527Z

2murdog26171.53338% United States
2ByeByeHappiness17200.85120% Turkey
1makh12310.39210% Uganda
0=INRI=Petrus64252.56143% Germany
0sza37201.85240% Israel
0w00p|Qur3575154% France
0All.The.Money17290.59019% United States
0allIn1360.03415% Germany

1Dundee15360.42016% Spain
0Flääschwoscht39420.93135% Germany
0PocketRocket37380.97138% Austria
0toronto_tokyo20440.45223% Kazakhstan
0XanD8160.5021% Hungary
0CRANBERRY570.71022% Ireland
0James2280.07011% Germany
0warrior01000% India
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