!mpressive Sauer Tracker

::: RUGBY iCTF ::: | Germany

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insta_ctf shipwreck | public | 15 players | 2021-04-24T16:16:16.817Z

1FoieGr@s40211.9035% France
1prn17200.85023% Germany
0Gorr43241.79140% Latvia
0Flääschwoscht24231.04028% Germany
0Brandon1782.13028% United States
0Dragan890.89042% Germany
0Tirzan4280.1408% Canada

0Springbok24221.09021% South Africa
0murdog19280.68120% United States
0On12270.44015% Argentina
0Baumhummer861.33027% Germany
0warrior6120.5016% India
0anonymous030150% Canada
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