!mpressive Sauer Tracker

::: RUGBY iCTF ::: | Germany

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insta_ctf fortress | public | 26 players | 2021-04-20T20:27:03.681Z

4Crypto-Chief8270.328% United States
2some-rando19250.76015% Croatia
2maxsuper9370.2427% Russian Federation
1unnamedwinston17200.85018% Serbia
1nowaytoayy16111.45030% Italy
0C4ST3X92253.68244% Turkey
0Gorr41291.41426% Latvia
0Mr.Bean21270.78017% Poland
0James15151012% Germany
0|LaTn|Edux2120.1706% United States

2Kopatel28330.85125% Russian Federation
1GOD32281.14220% Poland
1Baumhummer30201.5022% Germany
1vety23370.62127% Slovakia
1sam9120.75016% United States
0yeroon45311.45041% Netherlands
0131227221.23025% Italy
0(&)Bucatini25300.83121% United Kingdom
0JayZ12310.39124% Poland
0beefman9260.35116% United States
0Vorty350.6130% Netherlands
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