!mpressive Sauer Tracker

::: RUGBY iCTF ::: | Germany

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insta_ctf snapper_rocks | public | 15 players | 2021-04-20T03:30:29.416Z

4Millycat37271.37023% Canada
3|LaTn|Edux19320.59116% Peru
1abdolban30271.11122% Russian Federation
0webasto16260.62025% Germany
0Oord10270.37127% United States

1SegaPluto53252.12032% United States
1[BOOF]BOOPHY18141.29019% United States
0Turtlehead16290.55025% United States
0FlatLinE5250.2210% Mexico
0HarryBrowne5290.17115% United States
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