!mpressive Sauer Tracker

::: RUGBY iCTF ::: | Germany

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insta_ctf triforts | public | 20 players | 2021-04-19T02:21:55.438Z

1LLENN29241.21126% United States
1mayo16210.76021% United States
1wellerman15220.68019% Germany
0Millycat28171.65125% Canada
0PiPo22181.22023% Mexico
0Mexican890.89021% Mexico
0Lord-Grummel4260.1506% Germany

1*<]:)GoT)vis*RS60183.33050% Serbia
1On6200.307% Argentina
0PoPi30191.58022% United States
0JustMe19181.06027% United States
0abdolban14250.56012% Russian Federation
04Bier11180.61021% Germany
0MrKing380.38011% Canada
0HarryBrowne03000% United States
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