!mpressive Sauer Tracker

::: RUGBY iCTF ::: | Germany

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insta_ctf pul1ctf | public | 17 players | 2021-04-17T18:26:28.774Z

5Steno2.023112.09045% Italy
3Springbok27161.69131% South Africa
2Flääschwoscht20121.67022% Germany
1gavin42152.8040% Italy
0dragonslayer6900000% United States
0B@@L_4EVER00000% Germany

1IMPY17290.59025% Germany
0murdog28142038% United States
0Dashie12280.43119% Germany
0Jiggles4210.1907% United States
0(&)Cannelloni3240.13010% Canada
0NeedMoreLckdown1200.0504% Hungary
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