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::: RUGBY iCTF ::: | Germany

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insta_ctf arbana | public | 27 players | 2021-04-17T17:59:02.440Z

2JustMe31320.97032% United States
2Bucattini18290.62126% Indonesia
2Winston15300.505% Belgium
1cid50301.67040% Germany
1Rapfen37321.16031% Germany
1murdog25171.47132% United States
1IMPY13210.62026% Germany
0B@@L_4EVER26270.96326% Germany
0rars13270.48121% Germany
0KRL10180.56322% Russian Federation
0Jiggles4320.13215% United States

4Springbok25201.25126% South Africa
1Dundee18290.62125% Spain
1NeKaCap11280.39023% Ukraine
1gavin8100.8022% Italy
1Kevcio07321.5144% Poland
0nowaytoayy40182.22041% Italy
0FoieGr@s28221.27132% France
0Mac_Rond28350.8030% France
0Dashie24320.75227% Germany
0(+)21280.75132% United States
0Steno2.01653.2034% Italy
0NeedMoreLckdown5130.38125% Hungary
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