!mpressive Sauer Tracker

::: RUGBY iCTF ::: | Germany

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insta_ctf fortress | public | 16 players | 2021-04-13T00:50:16.348Z

4Millycat39241.63127% Canada
2stigman4170.24012% United States
1unnamed21230.91023% Germany
0Anyson|Tex11160.69020% New Zealand
0Nikko9110.82025% Argentina
0On3250.1207% Argentina

4junk35201.75131% United Kingdom
3marta.hpp32221.45024% United States
3Anna17230.74017% Mauritius
1Sylar19131.46024% United States
1Meat_Target180.1306% United States
0|DM|RockKeyman21102.1026% Italy
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