!mpressive Sauer Tracker

::: RUGBY iCTF ::: | Germany

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insta_ctf metro | public | 29 players | 2021-04-12T20:38:22.347Z

2BlackMadness18310.58021% United States
2Crypto-Chief8270.309% United States
1turboplayer1313250.52018% Germany
0FûяяÿĎєğęňëřåtě73145.21154% Germany
0ecs1.62874144% Romania
0yung_st3shi26251.04029% Austria
0DarkDrak23290.79128% Germany
0wellerman14111.27022% Germany
0acolarh13230.57015% Denmark
0sergik@mac12170.71016% Italy
0|DM|RockKeyman641.5028% Italy
0PheasantPlucker280.2509% United Kingdom

1cid45192.37038% Germany
0Zack39241.63030% Germany
0Steno2.034221.55028% Italy
0Barbina715170.88127% Slovenia
0Stony13220.59115% Germany
0James12300.4011% Germany
0MuhKuh11240.46022% Germany
0Samarrah890.89029% Austria
0PeasePudding8190.42025% United Kingdom
0FredTheRed4200.204% United Kingdom
0Gibby_McFragger280.25016% United States
0EndTheLockdown290.22013% United Kingdom
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