!mpressive Sauer Tracker

::: RUGBY iCTF ::: | Germany

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insta_ctf akroseum | public | 29 players | 2021-04-12T19:56:52.761Z

3Dashie23260.88125% Germany
2|LaTn|Edux26270.96120% Peru
1Gnocci19210.9021% Kenya
1wellerman17230.74017% Germany
1maxsuper11220.5012% Russian Federation
1porteavion3130.23011% France
0bob57222.59045% Austria
0Barbina727251.08124% Slovenia
0Hardcode18230.78026% Germany
0Mero=TrS=02000% Germany
0Baumhummer-12-0.500% Germany

2PoPi40341.18028% United States
2BlackMadness23260.88021% United States
1loco_snipper29320.91027% Finland
1Toranaga12160.75016% Switzerland
1Crypto-Chief9260.3507% United States
0Maxwell53271.96039% Austria
0break2974.14032% Russian Federation
0yung_st3shi28251.12126% Austria
010101019350.54017% Germany
0|DM|RockKeyman202040% Italy
0jarainf030114% Germany
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