!mpressive Sauer Tracker

::: RUGBY iCTF ::: | Germany

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insta_ctf damnation | public | 24 players | 2021-04-03T19:30:17.928Z

2SaintBaston23211.1030% France
1Lokillo38182.11033% Colombia
1FlaminClamClap30241.25028% United States
1Snowman17121.42122% Netherlands
1shareman12210.57121% Russian Federation
101001001000% Germany
0SHIELD43162.69133% Hungary
0PocketRocket17141.21033% Austria
0(&)Cannelloni01000% Canada

0cp6|tuta29251.16039% Serbia
0Argus24290.83228% United States
0Dundee15280.54026% Spain
0jSr13240.54124% Argentina
0YoMum.py11150.73026% Switzerland
0tiramisù240.5025% Italy
0sata01000% Pakistan
0Micropenis01000% Germany
0coucou-119-0.0532% France
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