!mpressive Sauer Tracker

::: RUGBY iCTF ::: | Germany

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insta_ctf turbulence | public | 19 players | 2021-04-01T19:13:10.066Z

3MuhKuh23240.96034% Germany
2violator22121.83124% New Zealand
1Entro.ddos5240.2109% Germany
0Lokillo27122.25043% Colombia
0LockdownIsStupi14170.82017% Germany
0porteavion9270.33011% France
0bengu1321.5060% Romania

1xaman14190.74219% Germany
1NeedMoreLckdown9150.6026% Hungary
0Steno2.032251.28031% Italy
0(&)Maultasche26201.3032% Germany
0B@@L_4EVER20270.74123% Germany
0XD8210.38010% Germany
0Murrr00000% Germany
0McBench01000% Germany
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