!mpressive Sauer Tracker

::: RUGBY iCTF ::: | Germany

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insta_ctf recovery | public | 18 players | 2021-04-01T19:03:03.080Z

3xaman1882.25021% Germany
3unnamed15131.15125% Italy
3B@@L_4EVER13111.18016% Germany
2(&)Ziti3493.78146% Poland
1Entro.ddos480.5014% Germany
1NeedMoreLckdown4150.27010% Hungary
0Steno2.0350.6016% Italy

1MuhKuh16200.8029% Germany
0sata15111.36030% Pakistan
0(&)Maultasche11170.65018% Germany
0sergik@mac9210.43020% Italy
0XD690.6709% Germany
0porteavion6200.306% France
0LockdownIsStupi350.609% Germany
0McBench01000% Germany
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