!mpressive Sauer Tracker

D E M O P H O B I A | Germany

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insta_ctf flagstone | public | 21 players | 2016-01-05T23:06:53.000Z

2RememberMyName15200.75025% Germany
1Spirituz30161.88188% Germany
0vaQ'Pete45162.81050% Germany
0DON[PL]30291.03027% Poland
0DogOnARope30350.86025% Czech Republic
0sba|_sivizius10250.4017% Germany
04e69150.6018% Russian Federation
0maxsuper661015% Russian Federation
0SamuWar02000% Italy
0didisan02000% Germany

1shotgun40221.82132% Canada
0RusoMaruso32231.39025% Russian Federation
0LittleMermaid30221.36026% United States
0gooroo23300.77025% Germany
0Perussola16300.53026% Italy
0sryxtkbob15280.54016% Spain
0Keule12230.52022% Germany
0Jassy661037% Germany
0SeaMonkey450.8021% Spain
0Blender_Artist240.516% Germany
|noVI:Tagger Germany
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