!mpressive Sauer Tracker

-Open 2019#1- | Germany

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insta_ctf reissen | public | 13 players | 2021-01-17T00:06:31.578Z

1Niggls32241.33135% Germany
1Kackstift23270.85136% Germany
1ForUganda!16230.7024% Germany
0Busch20210.95136% Germany
0Schwoin080017% Germany
0pasquale0220017% Germany
0Leon-926-0.3516% Germany

1Stefan16300.53128% Germany
0Philipp16320.5038% Germany
0Timo15230.65026% Germany
0Masturbinho7240.29012% Germany
0AAaaron6290.21142% Germany
0Clemens3270.11118% Germany
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