!mpressive Sauer Tracker

::: RUGBY ICTF ::: | Germany

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insta_ctf croma | public | 22 players | 2021-01-01T20:52:47.175Z

3stigman8260.31021% United States
2flagfag70164.38139% Germany
2JohnTheSniper19280.68020% Brazil
2Atheist5280.18017% Germany
0um.D-Brau2492.67029% United States
0murdog20270.74028% United States
0coin1472034% Austria
0unnamed14200.7114% Turkey
0Crowd>a-monster13121.08132% Germany
0CubeShaped13240.54021% United States
0:^)pollo231291.33122% Italy

1hny_202113230.57118% Germany
0WhiteCat41231.78132% Bulgaria
0AR|Sh1n0b123201.15031% United States
0DarkDrak17260.65025% Germany
0thcTAZ971.29033% France
0HarryBrowne7120.58038% United States
0James7160.44016% Germany
0unnamed7230.3318% Spain
0huppsi04000% Germany
Loofy United States
Zoch Switzerland
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