!mpressive Sauer Tracker

::: RUGBY ICTF ::: | Germany

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insta_ctf stronghold | public | 20 players | 2021-01-01T13:49:28.113Z

330022211.05119% New Zealand
2mngr38192137% Belarus
2(&)Pizzoccheri31221.41028% Lebanon
2Keule8270.3021% Germany
0bopbv46192.42233% Poland
0unnamed11120.92029% Germany
0MacRond7320.22120% Italy
0murdog360.5017% United States
0El38|Spectrum130.33025% Argentina

1FixittixiF16101.6034% Germany
1stigman7380.18015% United States
1Atheist6280.21119% Germany
0ChampagneCat21370.57120% Canada
0WhiteCat15131.15032% Bulgaria
0WASP414055% Sweden
0Zack450.8014% Germany
0unna331060% Pakistan
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