!mpressive Sauer Tracker

::: RUGBY ICTF ::: | Germany

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insta_ctf shipwreck | public | 32 players | 2020-12-30T21:59:31.396Z

2Filkieusz38142.71141% Poland
1(&)Ziti52182.89044% Poland
1Xyk23201.15025% Russian Federation
1comrade14150.93121% Russian Federation
0RED|skimmet60183.33138% Netherlands
0NightWalker46222.09137% Nicaragua
0!ShaneS15_42202.1042% United Kingdom
0JustMe12260.46129% United States
0LSD_258300.27028% United States
0Myr370.43023% Ukraine
0Beer120.5020% Germany
0crun120.5014% Germany
0EvelKnievel00000% Germany
0um.D-Brau01000% United States
0Virgil02000% Germany

0gavin23350.66019% Italy
0ouch22310.71026% Germany
0UNTAMED21230.91018% United States
0(&)Pizzoccheri20370.54122% Lebanon
0Crypto-Chief16290.55016% United States
0stigman14310.45019% United States
0cos(x)13180.72010% Chile
0:^)jellatina13380.34024% Italy
0:^)istallgentoo7340.21214% Italy
0mX|Skur541.25062% Germany
0FurryStorm490.44033% United States
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