!mpressive Sauer Tracker

::: RUGBY ICTF ::: | Germany

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insta_ctf triforts | public | 27 players | 2020-12-26T21:53:08.049Z

3your_son13220.59019% France
1FingerImPo33201.65041% Austria
1Zack21270.78012% Germany
1B4nDido9913200.65011% Chile
0BB-821220.95131% France
0Caramba14210.67023% Italy
0Rmn12190.63036% Slovenia
0jSr3160.19016% Argentina
0The1190.0502% Brazil
0murdog00000% United States
0pollo2300000% Italy

1thcTAZ26151.73037% France
1DrRock21181.17035% Germany
1GOATWHORE10160.63135% Switzerland
0Zowie46162.88140% Germany
0DatAres42192.21048% Germany
0ste15160.94323% Italy
0Myr12180.67027% Ukraine
0Kluster10200.5021% Germany
0I9190.47021% United States
0brasello01000% Czech Republic
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