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EFFIC CTF !!!!! | Germany

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effic_ctf bad_moon | public | 15 players | 2020-12-26T15:42:14.716Z

4StiffyWonder16280.57215% Germany
3GOST11200.55111% Russian Federation
1w00p|wulkr25181.39324% Germany
1Bin_schon_tot9190.47318% Germany
0Toph_bitch57282.04131% France
0Uhh3240.13315% Lithuania
0*<|:)Rikka260.33119% Uruguay

2your_son11300.37218% France
0!s]Mod43251.72128% Germany
0BICHIN_bitch28290.97117% Poland
0mngr22240.92123% Belarus
0unnamed3250.12011% Belgium
0fragginfucker2130.15115% United States
0(&)Kryptel010026% Italy
0Brazenrod-113-0.08010% United States
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