!mpressive Sauer Tracker

::: RUGBY ICTF ::: | Germany

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insta_ctf ow | public | 23 players | 2020-12-20T20:58:44.930Z

3helbendr13230.57314% India
2!s]Mod5878.29334% Germany
1hallo2739050% Romania
1BonsoirBonsoir5230.2206% France
0k34162.13023% United States
0Gobaconpower19230.83020% United States
0DrRock17200.85025% Germany
0BlueWombat13160.81019% United States
0PaTo3110.27016% Italy

0Polyamid31221.41025% Germany
0кaмpaд27330.82026% Russian Federation
0fracty20330.61035% Italy
0murdog18230.78022% United States
0gin15160.94121% Chile
0um.D-Brau9100.9015% United States
0Myr9390.23119% Ukraine
0Dragan8130.62029% Germany
0*<]:)GoT)vis*RS01000% Serbia
0amed-11-110% Germany
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